
One good (wo)man

After a long chat with Erin last night about my lack of postings- here it is. This strays from the farm animal and vegetable theme but may touch on the wilderness bit. Sort of the wilderness of the soul of America right now - I (and I guess many of you) have been deeply disturbed by the administration's carte blanche use of torture in the "war on terror." After all the founding father reading done at SJC and law school, constitutional law and human rights are what I have always felt are the cornerstone of our country. Sadly, we (read the gov't) have given certain individuals the OK to treat human beings in a manner that defies our own laws - - it is most disturbing to hear about things done in the name of freedom that would in other times (and even now if done by another country's gov't) qualify the victim to seek political asylum. Not making too much sense, I know, but if anyone is interested I can give a tutorial some other time about what qualifies people to be granted political asylum. Point being, I have been feeling discouraged about humanity and most particularly the stark political divisions in the America. Surely not everyone who is "conservative" is behind this treatment! Surely it is not patriotic to support it or even ignore it! So, I was more than uplifted to read this opinion piece on WP today. I encourage you all to check it out. It has renewed some faith that our structure of government, based on the theory of one good (wo)man, may survive and this may again be a place where the rights of all are upheld, where we treat each person as valued, with a voice, a vote, and a dream (without which it wouldn't be America, huh?). So ladies and gents, as Jefferson encouraged each decade, it is time for a change in course, a revolution of humanity, a push for renewed democracy! I guess I should have posted this closer to the 4th of July! Yours truly, giddy with patriotic fervor

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