

Also, what is this myth of progress. It seems that we are indoctrinated with a mythos of, "moving forward in time, we are always better off because of our 'advancements' and our newest enchantment with our 'technologies', like a man admires his descendant gonads. but nobody questions this bit of brainwashing except with the occasional romanticizing of some nonexistent past. meanwhile we all suffer as one while Mother Earth is gang raped with our "technologies" and we're all supposed to smile proud. Primitive people can have their dreamtime, but we've all moved past that bit of nonsense into the far more sterile 5th Avenue condo of the Mind. While we drag our now dead bodies around like so many sacks of potatoes. Why would it matter now what we put in it?

And we've built a mountain out of time, so we can always be perched at the pinnacle, staking out our flag of separateness. The incrementation of time was the worst idea of all humanity. Seasons, Yes! Moons, Yes! Solstices and Equinoxes, I'm all for it. But when did it change from a circle to a line? And now, horror of horrors, a grid that I must pack myself into. (Maybe it's just that I'm tired of being late)

Dear friends, I do know that this is terrible cocktail party conversation. I must be driven home.

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