

As the front lawn goes the way of green shag carpeting, (or in my case, crispy brown astro- turf), I am considering ripping it all up in favor of native grasses in the front and woodland green in the back. What do you think? That is AFTER school, AFTER I land a fantastic job, and perhaps AFTER I give this place a good scrubbing. Or, in the fall- whichever comes first.

In other, more interesting news, my brother Al opened an online artists' collective called Drip Book- He is so fantastic, and I am oh- so- proud of him. I'll give y'all the address etc. when it is full blown opened.

I, on the other hand, am reading Ishmael by Quinn, and am finding that I have a rather fragile constitution for impending disaster literature. I put the book down two days ago, and am obviously avoiding picking it up again. Egads.

So, as I continue to attempt to distract myself, I wonder if it is a little strange that I find the song 'Stickshifts and Safetybelts' by Cake one of the most romantic songs ever? Really, is there anything sweeter?

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