
Irony can be Delicious

Some of my dearest friends are runners. This cracks me up because, as a rule, I don't run. Runners is a puny word for who they are, really they might as well be the bionic woman, incarnate, each one of them. Two of them run marathons. One of them is an Iron (Wo) man. That is right- a triathalon so huge that it starts out with a two mile battle in the ocean, then eases into a thirteen mile bike ride, and finishes up with a full scale marathon. No problem.

I love going out with these girls because they can EAT. We went to Krispy Kreme once, and you would have thought that we had landed in Santa's workshop. There were squeals and giggles, and they weren't all coming from me. Really.

I also love them because they each have their secret strong will, bound up close in their minds, and no matter how hard I search, I can't even see it. It is theirs and theirs alone, and that, to me, is awesome.


Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie love. Thanks for the cheer up. I really liked the short post and I'm very happy to have a link to your blog now. I've bookmarked it and will check it out periodically. I really like the way you write.

Oh, and the bike portion of the Ironman is actually 112 miles. CRAZY!!!!

Katie said...

You know, they should really share some of that Iron Will with the rest of us hanging out at the Krispy Kreme.