
The power of words

You know I believe in them. Thus, I so wish we had been able to further explore the conversation we started as you guys were leaving on New Year's Day about what it feels like to send your thoughts out to the ether and not become attached to them once they land. After all, it is not just the words that go, it is part of you as well. It is impossible just to hold them out, you must be prepared to give them away. It is a big deal, and that vulnerability involves trust and openness to change. Doing so is a huge risk, but really, how else are you supposed to become greater than you are small? Oh, but the power of those words. We all know how uncontrolled it feels to give your heart, to let it flutter away under its own volition.

Consider this wall, one of my favorite parts of the Lewis Ginter holiday extravaganza. We put out a bunch of colored post it notes and asked people to write down their hopes for the world. We wound up with a gorgeous assortment of desires. A lot of love and peace. A strange amount of requests for pie. Mostly though, I was struck by how many people were so personal about their requests, and how willing they were to make them publicly. People named names. They asked for love and for forgiveness. People asked for health and care. They thanked the universe for what they had been given. They asked for the magic and in doing so, acknowledged that magic. It was really lovely.

I was also surprised at the sheer number of people who were willing to stop, write and publicly request their hearts desire.

So to all who are so brave, I hope much good comes of your courage.

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