
Oh, me.

They, the lovely admin of the University of Richmond, say that I HAVE to participate in the graduation ceremony this spring. I have tried to get out of it because I have absolutely NO interest in graduation, or any other ceremonies for that matter. For one thing- BORING. For another, I do not do well participating in such things. Super klutz extraordinaire. At Sallie and Matt's wedding, my shoe broke, and I had to limp, hunchback style, down the aisle. My hat was knocked off at my college graduation while the president attempted to put the sash around my neck. Oh, and right before that ceremony the elastic in my underwear broke. Ahem. Also, (yes, there's more) I tripped on my way to my confirmation into the Episcopal church when I was like 13. My shoe fell off and sat right on the steps while I knelt in front of the bishop.

Ok- well, at least I will not know anyone at this graduation. Why are they doing this to me? Maybe I can plead my freak flag. We'll see.

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