
Michael Pollan was right

Have you seen the film Sideways? It is a fantastic film, with wine and neuroses at its center. My favorite. Anyway, part of the absurdity that perhaps only an oenophile would appreciate (and who uses the word oenephile anyway?) is the poetic complexity the characters attribute to the Pinot Noir grape varietal. Their obsession truly borders on irrational, which, of course, adds to the charm and hilarity of the entire film because Pinot Noir lovers are really that way. Turns out, their Holy Grail quest is not so very loony. Yesterday I learned that a group of Italian and French scientists mapped the genome of the Pinot Noir grape and found that it has 30,000 genes in its DNA. How many genes does human DNA have? 20,000 to 25,000.

Who is domesticating whom?

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