
(Yet) Another Revolution

Funny you should mention Mennonites. For days I have been trying to put in words something that just won't come. This weekend, I had dinner with a young rebel, Chris Haw of Camden House, an 'intentional community' in Camden, NJ. He spoke of how to change the world by love and food. He shared stories of such reverence about the anabaptists, especially the Bruderhof and Huddites- all are pacifist communities who, of course, grow their own food. His group lives in a deserted urban area, rehabbing buildings, teaching at the local school, and growing food.

I learned about Chris because of a book called 'The Irresistible Revolution' by Shane Claiborne. Shane and Chris are writing a book called 'Jesus for President', due out next spring. At first I saw this rebel as a wellspring of unbounded brilliance with a real sense of integrity, then he started quoting Wendell Berry and Michael Pollan, and yes- that was it. To top it off, he kept speaking of his wife in adoring and wondrous terms. Imagine- a Roman Catholic, (new) monk, in love with nature, the world and his place in it, as well as with his wife. And he is LIVING his beliefs, those beliefs that would tend toward naive if they weren't coming from a man more brilliant than most. I can't really speak to them though- it is one of those rare cases that if one tries to name a thing, it crushes the spirit of the thing. What a strange place to be in- to have such a huge message and not be able to share it. Obviously, since he wrote a book about it, it is my problem more than his. Both the message and the problem have filled my head though, spun me closer to (being accepting of) my own rebellion.

I'd put a link to his blog or website up, but they seem to be doing and not just taking about what they are doing for a while. I'll let you know when I am finished with Shane's book, but in the mean time, look out for the 'Jesus for President' biodeisel campaign tourbus, coming soon to a town near you. And smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I'm sure you already know about this, but just in case you don't... you should check out the Another World is Possible DVD's. You can find out more about them at www.awip.us, but basically they're DVD's made by Shane Claiborne and Jamie Moffett, co-founders of The Simple Way... yeah, check 'em out.