
It is So September...

and man, do I feel it. The light is different, the sky is bluer, and I have this uncontrollable urge for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The fall approaches, which is ok, because I think I actually accomplished everything on my 'Things I want to do this summer' list. Baseball games, check. The beach, check. I ate outside as much as possible. I fell in love with cooking again, thanks to the CSA (membership- check). I made LOADS of ice cream, I just hadn't put any food up for the winter. So, when we learned that Wes's apple tree was laden and his apples were ready for the taking, Sallie, Max, Clyde and I headed straight down to Kilmarnock with visions of apple sauce in our heads. Or pie. Mmmm- pie.

I am now the proud owner (manager?) of a huganic box of apples and really, the possibilities are very promising. I have already made one pie and several turnovers. What else? Hmmmm... I think I'll go consult the experts.

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