
The Revolution Continues...

Ok- sorry you guys. I just finished the book Plenty by the couple who invented the 100 mile diet. It was so very good. I could do nothing else but read it... Anyway, here are the two beautiful quotes I am using in my paper:

“Hebda, when he gives talks to the public, often suggests something he calls the One Bean Revolution. Everyone, he says, should plant at least a single bean in a windowsill pot. He will always recommend a bean over, say, a tree because a bean reinforces an original truth: that human beings are sustained by the natural world. The thing we call nature is not, as a tree can be, just something to look at on weekends out of the city. It is what keeps us alive. This is so basic a fact that it seems tedious to say it, and yet this understanding is not among the founding principles of civilization as we know it. There was a time, though, when we felt this knowledge every time we ate.”

“The garden is a constant reminder that our depleted global environment is linked to the gap we have constructed between our food and ourselves, but a deeper truth is rooted in paleoecology. The science bears witness to changes enormous in scale, the fact that even the continents are works in progress. It can make a person’s brief existence seem meaningless; more than that, though, it staggers the mind with the duty of care in our everyday lives. The universe seethed a million years to give us a row of cabbages, or a quail’s egg, or a broken heart.”

Right? Enough said.

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