
In addition to Babes, Beers and Bikes, I'd like it to be concerned with Food, Fine Art and Folly. Perhaps we should also try to make some dough...

We would like to:
1. Have a cultural/event space that would be flexible enough to host weddings, large seances, yoga classes and swap meets. We would charge something for allowing such nonsense on our property.

2. Have a restaurant for which we grow some of the food. We are good at gardening and have excellent taste in Deliciousness. As well as in picking wine (sometimes). This restaurant may only be open for weekly dinners with a prix-fix menu that will blow off several pairs of socks should you be happening to wear them.

3. Live as independently as possible, eventually relying on the site itself for most of our energy requirements and for a large number of assorted vegetables which we could eat, then having eaten, sell the leftovers for cold cash. This would perhaps include such non-vegetable though highly Delicious plants such as lavender, mint, thyme, etc. which can be largely let loose in a Virginia field rather than planted. These latter could be sold in bulk or even processed on site to extract their life enrichings essences, again to sell for cold cash.

4. Set aside time to both create and appreciate art. We would like to host gallery space in underutilized space such as old outbuildings, bombshelters, teepees, etc. We are humble enough to realize that most of this art would not be our own. We are egomaniacal to think that our discerning taste and sense of design would bust a hole in the art world the size of the hole the Hindenburg burned in the air. Such a situation would likely create an art sales atmosphere much like the stock market in the 80's (though we would decline to put the profits up our noses). Awash in gobs of cash, we would then nestle in a row of bathtubs full of hundreds and giggle to each other like schoolchildren.

5. I believe there were a few other demands...


Erin said...

In addition, I think I'd like some chickens, and outside shower or bathtub and a greenhouse. A big one. Oh, and a wall built just for honeysuckle so that I can smell it at night. Other than that, Matt said it better than I ever could...

Ted@Highland said...

Interesting description. I haven't heard of quite that combination of products being grouped together before, but with all the cold cash being generated and bathed in, its clearly genius. Believe it or not, I actually pitched, essentially this same idea to Katie a year ago.

Everything (bikers, thyme, world shattering art) fits except for that outside shower. Sorry Erin, but really now, that just doesn't make sense.