
I am such a lucky girl...

To the left is a photo of ONE share of our CSA, Sprout. Sprout is associated with Victory Farms in Hanover. Thank goodness the Freemans and I are splitting a share- have you ever seen so much food? Makes me think I haven't been eating my vegetables! I am very excited to be able to cook again. It is like a challenge: eat all of the veggies before the next ones come in!

Can you see? There are beets and turnips, basil, arugula, bok choy, squash (so cute!), chard, spinach and more lettuces than I even recognize. There is also broccoli rabe, with which I will attempt to recreate a version my favorite pasta at Edo's Squid. (read: lots of garlic...)

As if that weren't bounty enough, Casey brought over some of their home made Mulberry ice cream. The Mulberries are from the park across the way from them. Mmmm...

And, as if THAT wasn't adventure enough, we left the farmer's market and drove up to Ashland to see the farm I have been obsessing over. I still love it, even though we didn't get to go inside. It was fun to dream and to drive the country roads. I am still trying to picture a country life for myself. I don't think I'll be able to leave the city if working along side my friends and throwing parties isn't part of the plan... The appeal lies in the perfect combination of home and adventure. Welcoming and sharing. Honest work. Service but not servitude. Something different every day. Good clean and dirty fun. Just what you want out of life.

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