
Woo- Hoo!

Ok, so- it is done. I have a Master's degree. In Liberal Arts. I traded 250 of pages that I wrote while trying so hard not to tear out all of my hair for one great, big, declarative piece of paper. And yes, it was fun. So, what to do now?

Sweet Al compiled this list for me:

What about being a homesteader in Alaska? I guess that's all done.

What about growing tea? I like tea.

What about being a Caribbean dictator? I watched a giant PBS program about Castro last night. He really had style points, that's for sure.

What about coming up here and making sure I sleep more? There's always room for that.

Style points aside, I am considering: a) buying a farm (unless buying the farm is a polite way of saying 'that chickie has gone mad' and no one has told me)

b) starting a baseball (or whiffle ball) team called the 'Unemployables.' Seriously. The back of my uniform shall read 'Master of Liberal Arts'. I know some of you would join... Wise Woman, Artist, Consultant, Reluctant Lawyer... Farm Hand.

c) making a movie with Ingrid who has a video camera. Whadd'ya say, Ing?

That's all I got. Well, you know- today, anyway.


Anonymous said...

We're doing a movie. I'm going to brainstorm tonight and on Sunday, we can talk about it. I can't wait. This is going to be cool. Unfortunately, whenever I think about it, all I see is that white plastic bag that floated around in the weird guy's videos in American Beauty. Hmm. Maybe we should think up random questions and ask our friends to answer them on the spot. It could be a start.

Anonymous said...

Come on, I really need to sleep more. I could make you a nice cot in my apartment and you could live here and you could call me and tell me to come home.

I need that for real.